Tuesday, May 19, 2015


The scope of this project was to make a short film 3-5 minutes long and include four different elements. 1) Verbal "lights out" 2) A water bottle 3) an obvious source of light and 4) a hat.


Pre-production and Production

First, as a group we brainstormed some ideas for a short film. We decided to do a serious film and went from there, picking the topic: a murder. We spent the next few days writing the script and creating a story board. We came up with dialog first and settings, then decided on camera shots and angles. Next we started the filming process. We had four different locations for filming, so each day we filmed a whole scene. 


After all the filming was complete, we spent the last couple days editing in Final Cut Pro. During this process I learned how important it is to manage your time wisely. The first day we got the assignment, I created a schedule to keep us on track. The video could be a maximum of 5 minutes, and we had a lot of shots so I had to decide what was actually important to the story and cut out the rest. Also, I had to adjust the audio levels to make sure our voiceovers were the same volume as our clips and to make sure all the clips were the same volume. I had to color correct a few scenes because it was sunny the first day we filmed, and cloudy the rest of the week. lastly, I added music to set the tone of the story, and make it more exciting to watch.


RIP is a film about a girl named Autumn Stone who was murdered at a pond. She is already dead at the beginning of the story, but she is narrating the process of how she died and how she is coming to peace with her death. It also gives an insight on the murderer and his reasons for killing her. The film is pretty dark, but has a more happy ending. Our inspiration for the film was "The Lovely Bones" which is also about the murder of a teenager.

Additional Thoughts


I am really proud of my project, and even though we ran into some problems along the way, some of them worked out well. For example, It started raining while we were filming a big scene, but it turned out to really set the mood for the film. If there was one thing I would do differently it would be to start the filming process a little earlier in order to get really great shots and not feel rushed during the process. 

Team Work

I think my group worked really well together. We got along great, and bounced ideas off each other. We are all very creative people, so combing all our ideas made for a great script. We all contributed equally to the project and the final video was a product of ALL of our handwork. I am very proud of my group and our final product. 


Monday, December 15, 2014

Throwback to The Fetus Years

The summary of this project: I visited Olathe Northwest for Lego Day. I filmed JJ Gonzales, a sophomore, while he put together a Star Wars lego model. I learned a lot about voiceovers

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Donate Blood and Save a Life

This video is of the semi-annual blood drive at Olathe Northwest High School. This is the first time I have ever done a voiceover for a video. I have learned that that you have to talk very slow and really

Friday, October 31, 2014

Feel Again #2

This is my 90 second music video of Feel Again by One Republic. I think the most difficult part was editing the music video down to only 90 seconds. I had to take out some shots that I really liked and shorted other clips. I really like using the markers because it just makes it easier to transition on the beat. If I ever do another music video I will definitely use markers. I also used color correction on this video and played with the brightness of some shots. I also changed the flash back to black and white which I didn't do in the first video